

A stepping stone on to formal education, the turning point in a child’s life is the kindergarten and preparatory section after the child embarks on a 12 year long journey with vast syllabi which gets tougher each year. This bracket is specifically carved to provide children with life skills and opportunities, working on all developmental areas, setting a sturdy substratum for a fulfilling educational journey.

At this juncture, play and interaction take the lead to provide beautiful and enduring experiences to the children to grow and develop. Through a carefully and specifically designed curriculum, which is safe and supported, we strive to lead the learners to a framework of belonging, being and becoming.

The curriculum here begins with  reading and writing two to three letter words in Hindi and English, counting, simple addition and subtraction, tables as a part of Mathematics lessons,  additional subjects like Computer, Art, stories, phonics, dance and music.

These varied and introductory modules are taken further with high quality and well-rounded education. Observation and activity based homework takes consolidation and extension of work covered in class. The teachers here work according to the intellect and mood of the child where counselling plays a crucial role as and when required.

At this stage, emphasis is laid on handwriting and conceptual clarity rather than mindless cramming.

Individualised Care

Signature Practices